Satabank p.l.c.

Controlled Liquidation of Satabank P.l.c.

The Controller informs all those interested in the controlled liquidation of Satabank P.l.c., that on the 7th March 2025, the Controlled Companies Appeals Board approved the scheme of distribution submitted before it by the Controller. Thus, saving any appeal within 15 days on a point of law decided by the board, and within 15 days from the date of the decision, this decision shall become final and distributions to creditors will be carried out according to the approved scheme.

Richard Galea Debono Av

Controller – Satabank p.l.c.

Stralċ Kontrollat ta’ Satabank P.l.c.

Il-Kontrullur jgħarraf lill-partijiet interessati fl-istralċ ikkontrollat ta’ Satabank P.l.c. illi nhar is-7 ta’ Marzu 2025 il-Bord tal-Appelli dwar il-Kumpanniji Kontrollati, approva l-iskema ta’ distribuzzjoni lill-kredituri ta’ Satabank P.l.c. ippreżentata lilu mill-kontrullur. B’hekk, salv appell fuq punt ta’ liġi deċiż mill-Bord, li jrid isir fi żmien 15 il-jum mill-imsemmija deċiżjoni, din id-deċiżjoni tkun waħda finali, u t-tqassim lejn il-kredituri isir skond l-iskema approvata.

Richard Galea Debono Av

Kontrollur – Satabank p.l.c.

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